Yup, we found out on Monday that this baby is a boy! We are still teetering between several names. But I've been feeling the baby move quite a bit lately. Over the past week, I've started feeling the baby several times a day. It's great! We have registries set up at Target and Babies R Us. Things are going well!
Hi Dan and Sarah and Little boy Sanchez!! Thanks so much for sharing your blog. It was touching to read your thoughts and all your pregnancy happenings in the last few months..love you guys! Can't wait to see you and meet your beautiful son!
Congratulations Sarah! I can't wait to follow your journey in getting ready for your precious baby boy. It is such an exciting (and exhausting) privilege to be a parent and I know you'll be a great one!
YAY! Isn't it amazing to feel the baby moving around?
Chad and I find out what sex ours is July 1st...they are waiting till the 22 week, which I was kinda bummed about, because I want to know now! :)
Your little family is in my prayers!
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